How to Get Out of Reading Glasses With Contacts?

Barrett Eubanks, M.D. | July 10, 2020

How to Get Out of Reading Glasses With Contacts?

Contact lens wearers love not being able to wear glasses. Why else would they put up with the hassle of contact lenses. Unfortunately there comes a point in their life in which they no longer can get by without glasses. They are forced to push things out as far as they can until they break down and get reading glasses. But all is not lost. There are two main ways to get out of these reading glasses with changes in their contact lens prescriptions.

The first way is through a technique called mono-vision. As discussed previously with lasik, monovision or mini-monovision relies on the ability of each eye to perform independent tasks. One eye is corrected completely for the distance like usual while a different contact lens is placed on the other eye in order to focus up close. While it can take some time to adjust, many people love this method of correcting vision.

The second way contact lenses can correct vision is through the use of a multifocal contact lens. Multifocal lenses are specifically designed to split light into both distance and for reading. Thus, each eye with a multifocal lens will have distance vision and up close vision. Sounds perfect! However, there are some trade-offs with multifocal contacts and as with mono-vision it can take some time to adjust to them as well. Thus, some people like them, others move on to try something else.

While contact lenses can’t bring back the vision you had when you were in your twenties, they do offer solutions to help keep you out of reading glasses!

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