The Cheapest Way To Treat Dry Eye

Barrett Eubanks, M.D. | December 06, 2020

What if I told you that you can treat dry eye for practically nothing! Yes, this does sound remarkable. No, this isn’t a joke. This solution is crazily simple. So what’s the secret? Well, it’s just simply drinking more water! (yes, not terribly revolutionary)

Drinking water is an often overlooked part of overall health (and this includes eye health as well). Throughout the day, we lose water. If you live in a dry climate or do more physical activity during the day, you lose more water. Without replacing this water, we run the risk of becoming dehydrated. The skin can dry out, the mouth can dry out and unfortunately the eyes also dry out. You can and you should help retain the moisture with lotion for your hands or with artificial tears for the eyes, but treating the root of the problem of being dehydrated is important as well. It is important to constantly replace this water throughout the day.

So carry around a small water bottle. If you find that your eyes are feeling a little dry, drink up some good H₂O. It’s a very cheap way provide some relief. Even if it doesn’t fix the eyes, it still helps to quench your thirst and improve your overall health.

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