Watery Eyes Can Actually Mean The Eyes Are Too Dry!

Barrett Eubanks, M.D. | May 04, 2021

Watery Eyes Can Actually Mean The Eyes Are Too Dry!

When we think of something that is dry, we tend to picture images of a desert environment; everything is devoid of water. And yes, in a desert, things are really really dry. The same applies to eyes too, if there are very little tears on the eye, the eye will be dry.

But what if the eyes are constantly tearing up? You may be surprised to find out that this is actually a sign that the eyes are drying out!!

Remember going to the doctor’s office and the doctor using a tiny little hammer to hit just below your kneecap? Without being able to control it, your leg jerks forward in a kick. This is a called a reflex. It’s an action that happens automatically that you can’t control. The same happens on the surface of the eye as well. When the brain detects a lack of tears on the surface of the eye, it kicks in it’s own reflex to make more tears!

Sounds perfect. right? Well not quite. The eye needs more than just watery tears. It needs a layer that will hold in those watery tears on the surface of the eye and allow them to hang around; otherwise the tears will just run and become watery eyes. It needs a good thick oil coating that prevents all those tears from dripping or evaporating away.

Without a good oil layer to protect the eye, those reflex watery tears just drip and run away and the eye dries out. So despite how counterintuitive it sounds, watery eyes can mean your eyes are drying out! But fortunately, as the dry eye is treated and improved, so goes the watery eyes making everything healthy again!

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