What Is Monovision?

Barrett Eubanks, M.D. | February 25, 2021

Monovision can be a blessing for people who have lost the ability to read up close but who are trying to achieve glasses independence. But monovision isn’t at all a brand new concept. In fact, monovision has existed for years and years going back to the mid 1900s. Some people are even born with monovision! So what is it?

Monovision works because we have two eyes. In normal use, both of these eyes are focused on the same object and the same distance. With monovision, however, these two eyes are focused at two separate distances through surgery or contact lenses. This allows one eye to see off in the distance and the other to see up close. Thus maximizing the use of the eyes to cover a much larger range of vision.

To be fair, monovision isn’t a slam dunk. It does take some time to adjust to monovision and get used to the new way of seeing. Also, when both eyes are focusing together, the total vision becomes stronger. Monovision just can’t provide as much hawk-eye vision as both eyes working together. For those reasons, there are a few individuals who just simply don’t like the way it works. But for everyone else, monovision can be a very great way to throw those reading glasses away for just about everything!

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